Life Lately: November #2

I don’t know if it’s the colder weather, the shorter days, or maybe he’s missing Copper too, but Sherman’s been extra-interested in keeping me company lately. I’d even go so far as to say he is being sweet. (?!)

Sleeping cat

Voted! John registered, cast a provisional ballot, and the whole experience was very festive! We ran into neighbors and had a grand time.


Back in May I took that day-long writing workshop through Gotham Writers in New York, and I’ve been keeping up with my scribbling. I thought it was time to get a little more serious and find some guidance, so I signed up for some one-on-one time via their mentorship program. I just had the first phone session with my teacher and I’m so excited.

Writing & editing

Okay… three years since we moved in and I just now had my first “party.” I haven’t wanted to invite anyone over because, well, there are still unpacked boxes in the living room (yikes) and books in stacks on the floor instead of on shelves, etc etc. But whatever! Fellow Magpie Consort members came over to help put the fall mailing together, and I put a smorgasbord of food together. 500 envelopes got stuffed in a jiffy. Our concert is coming up, so come hear us sing :-)

The Magpie Consort stuffing envelopes

Late autumn walks at Griggs Reservoir. The ice storm pretty much killed the autumn color, and our Japanese maple was only starting to turn red (I’m sad about that.) Whatever leaves were left on trees are now brown and blowing away, but the grass is still bright green. For some reason I stopped going on my daily walks last year and I miss them, so I’m starting back up.

Griggs Reservoir trees

Just before Thanksgiving John and his oldest daughter and I visited friends in New York for a very quick day and a half.

Manhattan skyline

I spent Thanksgiving week in Asheville, North Carolina, where my family has rented a house in the mountains every year since 2004. We stopped going when Dad couldn’t make the trip anymore, but after he and Mom died, my brother and I started up the tradition again. Hot tub with a view, hikes in the forest, weather of all kinds, and reading by the fireplace … I look forward to this trip all year.

Fairview Forest fog
Reading by the fireplace

John was only able to come for a couple days, but we managed to get in a few walks in the woods.

Footbridge across the creek

I hope you had a good holiday! Is it really time to get a Christmas tree??