I’ve been working mostly on web design projects lately, so it was great to set that aside for a bit and break out my portrait camera again. What a treat that Jay & Megan came up from North Carolina to visit family… I’d photographed their wedding over ten years ago, photographed their daughter when she was a baby, and now I was finally able to spend time with their son, who gave me a tour of his entire tool bag.
While I do an okay job of taking straight-on, look-at-the-camera portraits, my favorites images are always the ones with a more documentary feel to them. I think it’s the storyteller in me.
I hardly ever get to do high school senior portraits, so when I was asked to take Abby’s I was nervous! It’s funny, though, how the second I get behind a lens I just start “seeing” in photographs. Nerves go away. Of course it didn’t hurt that Fudge, the love-bug Golden Retriever, was part of the fun for the first round!
And yes, senior portraits are technically about, well, the senior, but I couldn’t help snapping this one..
Cheers to Moms, who make life so special!