I still can’t really believe that finally, after ten years since my original flying adventure with Ryan, the creative project that sprung from it, that begun as a thank-you gift for my friend and evolved into something bigger than a single book, is now hanging on the walls of a museum. (!)
The show opening was wonderful. Friends came from all over, Traci and my brother flew up from Florida, my incredibly supportive neighbors made the drive, even my accountant made an appearance. “So THIS is what you do!” he said.
I even signed my first flyer autograph! (What ?! — So weirdly wonderful!) Yes it was for someone I know, but it’s going in a frame and being hung next to a Patty Wagstaff poster! What an honor — thank you Dan!
A festive dinner followed the opening reception and then the next day was spent, fittingly, at the airport, where John gave airplane rides until dusk. A perfect ending to a perfect weekend.
I have to say, I am pretty proud of myself for not giving up on this project after so many years, and for being willing to let it become what it wanted to be in its own time. And, of course, I am thankful and grateful:
To Ryan for the magic, to Swan and the encouragement of our photo group friends, to Jace Graf for the amazing bookbinding weekend, to the Ohio Arts Council and the Greater Columbus Arts Council for awards and grant funding, to the Springfield Museum of Art for saying yes, to Vicki & Tom for the studio space, to my family and special friends, and to my husband John, for not only teaching me how to fly but for becoming my lifelong adventure friend.