How was your Christmas? Mine was wacky and I loved it! On Christmas Eve I met John in the Atlanta airport after his last flight. We had dinner and spent the night at a hotel we stay at every so often when John only has a short day in between trips. I love the view out the south windows— it’s a big construction zone (more hotels maybe?) and I love watching the cranes move things around. Something about it is just so peaceful.
Christmas morning started with tea in bed while watching Netflix’s Princess Switch (do not laugh!) We’re trying to get through as many of these ridiculous movies as we can this season.
We shared a few gifts after that…
Why this photo of an iron, you’re wondering? Well, I’ve noticed this particular brand of iron, the Voyager, at many of the hotels we’ve stayed at. In years past I wouldn’t have thought twice about an iron, but now that I sew, I’ve been on the lookout for a good iron and I fell in love with these (so steamy!) I tried to find out where I could buy one but they’re only available wholesale to the hospitality industry. What did John manage to do? He apparently went up to the front desk lady and said, “I have kind of an odd question…” and proceeded to explain my love for this iron. Well, not only did they give him an iron but they wrapped it up in shiny red paper! I think John was torn, as I’d asked him to please not give me any household appliances/utensils/etc. (I’ll never forget the look on my mom’s face the year she received a set of spatulas — ooof! — from my dad. It turned into a family joke, but still…) I have to say, though, I thought nothing but WOW. Huge points to a guy who goes out of his way to find the unfindable and probably embarrasses himself a little in the process (similar to the time I thought I lost my teddy bear in the Salt Lake City airport and John got on the phone to the Chief Pilot’s office asking about it: “Ummm… my wife might have lost her teddy bear…”) Anyway, the hotel staff thought it was sweet — Give this man an iron! — and I thanked them (and John) profusely.
On the way out I stopped to photograph the carpet. I’m noticing that a lot of these newly renovated hotels have great carpet colors (my dress even matched on this particular day!) It’s giving me ideas for sewing some outfits based on their color schemes, lol.
Our travel day took us out and back to Miami with an amazingly fun flight crew, especially Paula, the lead flight attendant, who insisted we take a selfie with her once our day together ended.
I got in a lot of reading and napping and journaling (my favorite things to do on a plane).
We had Christmas dinner at the Atlanta airport Carrabba’s and parted ways at 10:30, when John flew to Pensacola and I headed home to Columbus (in a first class seat! — Merry Christmas from Delta I guess!).
John’s Christmas tie.
I know I thought the holiday might feel weird and sad doing something so unlike all the Christmases I used to know, but this was insanely fun. Mom and Dad would love that we galavanted around all day and made a new tradition. I don’t know when I’ll see an actual Christmas Day in my own house, but that’s okay— this was so gosh-darn fun I might do it again on New Year’s :-)